Found an Injured Turtle?


Turtles are most frequently observed in June, during the height of their nesting season. Females are often found crossing roads to reach traditional nesting sites or laying eggs in the gravel along roads. Seven of the eight species of turtle in Ontario have been designated as “species at risk”.

Roads have been built through several of the remaining wetlands, and as a result road mortality is now a major threat to turtles. The majority of the turtles killed by cars are adult females on their way to or from nesting sites, which means that fewer eggs are laid every year and there is an even smaller chance that those killed by cars will be replaced in the future. (Except from the Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre website).

Please watch for turtles attempting to cross the road, or along roadsides!

If you have found an injured turtle CALL the Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre (KTTC) at 705-741-5000.

If a turtle is NOT injured, please remember:

  • DO NOT remove a turtle from their area – it reduces their chances of survival. If you find an uninjured turtle in the middle of a road simply help it across the road in the direction it is moving.

  • DO NOT dig up nests to protect the eggs – you may damage the eggs AND it is against the law. Tips on how you can help nesting turtles here.

  • KTTC is primarily volunteer-run, we do not have a pick-up service.

  • The centre accepts injured native turtles only – NOT unwanted pets.